Opening Hours
2024.09.13 - 11.03

“Weekly Shōnen JUMP”, Japan’s best-selling manga magazine, has captivated fans since its inception with countless beloved classics, evoking powerful emotions and cherished memories as it has accompanied readers through their growth. The first-ever “JUMP FIGURE CRAFT STUDIO” limited-time exhibition has launched at Times Square, Causeway Bay, along with the TAMASHII NATIONS POP-UP SPOT at 2/F atrium, which will debut a range of exclusive JUMP series products.

From now to November 3, 2024, the “JUMP FIGURE CRAFT STUDIO” will bring together four of Weekly Shōnen JUMP’s most popular series: “DRAGON BALL”, “NARUTO”, “ONE PIECE”, and “SPY×FAMILY”. This exhibition will showcase treasured collectibles and offer an immersive experience with giant photo spots, allowing fans to revisit iconic techniques and the evolution of characters and figures.

The POP-UP SPOT will also feature over 300 products, including many exclusive items available only at Times Square. This is an event fans simply cannot miss!

JUMP series popular animation characters gather at Open Piazza
Experience the debut of stunning 3D scenes and life-size figures in Hong Kong!

At the entrance of the “JUMP FIGURE CRAFT STUDIO”, located in the Times Square Open Piazza, a gigantic figure packaging box invites visitors to step inside and capture playful moments as they transform into real-life figures! After snapping your photos, prepare to immerse yourself in the animated world of JUMP characters, embarking on a journey that transcends time and space!

Explore Dr. Gero’s Secret Laboratory in the DRAGON BALL Zone! Walk into a capsule and become an android for a unique photo opportunity, while the exhibition showcases rare figures depicting the evolution of main characters and their formidable foes.

Set Sail with ONE PIECE! A colossal figure packaging box leads you into the ONE PIECE zone, where you can board the Thousand Sunny! Peering into the “cabin,” you’ll discover a range of figures from the original series to the present, highlighting the evolution of characters and the meticulous details and dynamic poses crafted from various materials. Witness the transformation behind each figure!

Step through the iconic gates of the Hidden Leaf Village in the NARUTO zone and behold the awe-inspiring 3.9-meter tall Hokage Rock 3D scene, making its debut in Hong Kong. The visual impact is truly stunning, complemented by a life-sized 3D figure of Naruto Uzumaki, creating an unmissable photo opportunity! This exhibition showcases valuable collectibles that allow you to revisit Naruto’s classic techniques, including the Rasengan, Sage Art: Wind Release Rasenshuriken, and Shadow Clone Technique.

As you explore the right exterior wall of the exhibition, you’ll find a unique background and platform perfect for capturing memorable photos while performing the “Summoning Technique”!

Dive into the SPY×FAMILY Zone! Instantly transport yourself to the bustling streets of East City! Here, you’ll find Anya alongside a life-sized 3D figure of her father, “Loid Forger,” making his first appearance in Hong Kong, ready for a memorable photo with you. You can also catch a glimpse into the everyday life of the Forger family right here!

TAMASHII NATIONS POP-UP SPOT will debut an exclusive selection of JUMP series limited-edition products

TAMASHII NATIONS POP-UP SPOT on the second floor will launch a diverse selection of over 300 products, featuring exclusive limited-edition items from the JUMP series. These limited editions will be available for purchase through an online reservation system. Visit Tamashii Nations Hong Kong Facebook page for more details.

Charity Redemption

Times Square and TAMASHII NATIONS have designed two limited postcard sets, including many popular characters such as Naruto Uzumaki from “NARUTO”, Son Goku from ” DRAGON BALL”, Luffy from “ONE PIECE” and Anya from “SPY×FAMILY”! Upon onsite donation of HK$10 or more, customers can redeem“JUMP FIGURE CRAFT STUDIO” Postcard Set x1 (3 pcs) during 14 September to 3 November 2024. All funds raised will be donated to “The Community Chest of Hong Kong”.

Redemption Period: 14/9/2024 – 3/11/2024
Redemption Time: 12nn -10pm
Redemption Venue: 5/F Redemption Counter

Date: Now until November 3, 2024
Time: 10am – 10pm
Location: Open Piazza

Date: Now until November 3, 2024
Time: 11am – 9pm
Location: 2/F Atrium

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